Programming gives instructions to a computer so it can do things faster and better than humans. At first, people used a machine language, which was all about using 0s and 1s to talk to computers. But that was hard to understand and work with because it was super complicated. Luckily, some users created more effortless languages called high-level programming languages. These languages, like JavaScript, C, C++, C#, and Visual Basic programming, are much easier for users to learn and use. They make programming a lot more friendly and doable for everyone.
What is Visual Basic Programming?
Visual Basic is a computer language made by Microsoft in 1991. It's the third version and works for events, like when you click a button. It came from an older version called BASIC, which stands for Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Over the years, Microsoft updated it many times, from the first version to the final one called Visual Basic 6.0. Visual Basic is great for beginners because it's easy to use and helps you make programs with Windows that you can click on and interact with.
In 2002 Microsoft introduced Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) to replace Visual Basic 6.0. Then, in 2008, they said VB6 was old and not their primary focus anymore, but they still gave help for it. VB.NET is a newer version that works with the .NET Framework. It is made for making programs that work on the web and phones—moreover, some programmers still like Visual Basic 6.0 more than VB.NET.
History of Visual Basics
Visual basic programming was different from other computer languages because it used everyday English words in its commands. As a result, it made it easier for regular people to understand and remember how to use it. Microsoft liked this idea and decided to make a new programming language based on BASIC.
One reason Microsoft made Visual Basic (VB) was because it wanted to add a visual aspect to programming. They created a program called Visual Studio that lets developers use graphics to design their software. Instead of writing code for each little part, they could just click and drag to make menus, buttons, and text boxes.
The last version of VB, Visual Basic 6, came out in 1998. Now, newer versions like VB .NET, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Visual Studio .NET. Today, VBA and Visual Studio .NET are many companies' most popular VB options.
Visual basic programming is still popular because it's easy to learn and has rules and tools that make programming visually straightforward. In 2023, VB was ranked as the 21st most popular programming language, with about 0.53% of the market using it, according to statistics from PYPL.
How Does VBA Programming Language Work?
Visual Basic uses a visual interface to make Windows programs. The main parts of the design screen are:
- Toolbox: On the left, it has buttons and things you can add to your program.
- Design area: In the middle, you put the buttons and other stuff from the toolbox.
- Properties menu: On the right, you can change how things look and behave.
You can add buttons, text boxes, and more to your program by dragging them from the toolbox to the design area. Each thing you add can do different stuff when you click or use it, like showing a message or moving to another part of the program. To write a visual basic coding, you write small bits of code called "event procedures" for each action. These actions could be clicking a button, typing something, or moving the mouse. When an action happens, the program looks for the code you wrote for that action and follows it.
When your program is ready, you can run it by pressing F5 or clicking "RUN" in the menu and then "START." You can also see the code behind your program by clicking on the "Code Window."
- First, go to File> New Project.
- After that, click on the VB application wizard.
- Then, follow the steps in the wizard to set up your program.
- Finish the wizard, and it will add the menu and forms to your program.
- At last, run your program to test it out.
Visual Basic programming language has changed a lot since it started in 1991. Different versions work in slightly different ways, like VB .NET or VBA, which are used in Microsoft Office programs. But the basic idea of adding things visually and writing code to make them work remains the same. The following section will discuss features.
Features of Visual Basic Programming
Visual Basic is a program made by Microsoft that's easy to understand and use. It has a visual environment where you can create programs quickly, especially ones that work with databases. Here are some features of Visual Basic:
- Memory constraints: When you install Visual Basic, it needs a lot of space on your computer because it's good at making programs with graphics. It's not as good as C at managing memory, but it's great for programs that don't need enough processing power.
- Applicability: Many programmers like Visual Basic because it helps them make programs fast. It applies to Windows computers and is the best for creating programs with buttons, menus, and databases without writing multiple codes.
- Object-Oriented: Visual Basic lets programmers handle big and complex programs easily. It's useful for reusing code and making programs that can grow and change over time.
- VB ‘runtime’: A Visual Basic programming language breaks down into two parts. The first one is with your code and another with the default code that every program needs. This second part is called "runtime," it's like a library that helps your program run smoothly. You can share this part with other Visual Basic programs to make them smaller.
- COM Support: Visual Basic can talk to other programs made in different languages, thanks to a feature called COM. As a result, it makes it easy to combine different parts of programs.
- Miscellaneous features: Visual Basic has tools like IntelliSense and code snippets that help you write code faster. It also has a feature called AutoCorrect that helps find and fix mistakes in your code while your program is running. Plus, you can use Visual Basic to make programs for the web, Windows, mobile devices, and more.
Benefits of Visual Basics
Visual Basic programming language has various uses to create custom applications across different platforms. It chooses projects that involve forms, selections, and user interactions, and it can even be used for command-line applications instead of graphical ones. Big companies like Microsoft, Broadcom, CrowdStrike, and doubleSlash use Visual Basic for tasks like managing inventory, accessing databases, collecting data, and communicating.
Here are some common uses of Visual Basic:
- Database Software: Visual Basic is great for building systems that handle large databases. It makes it easy to add database features without writing complex code. Moreover, it can work with databases from programs like MS Access, Oracle, and MySQL.
- Game Development: While it could be better for writing code, Visual Basic programming can be used to create simple games using its visual tools. It's useful for making 2D games, but you'll need extra tools for 3D animations.
- Web Development: Visual Basic creates server-side scripts for web applications. It is also used in web forms and applications, including chatbots you might interact with on websites. As a result, it’s necessary to take the VBA programming course.
- .Net Software Applications: Visual Basic .Net is a modern version of the .NET framework. It is used for developing software related to messaging, social media, e-commerce, and logistics.
- VBA Applications: VBA, a version of Visual Basic, is widely used for creating macros in Microsoft Office apps like Excel and PowerPoint. Macros automate tasks like data extraction or creating custom elements in documents. VBA can also communicate with other applications beyond the company's network.
Overall, Visual Basic is versatile and can be used in many ways to create software solutions.
Concluding Words
Visual Basic programming language is a strong and flexible language that lets you make many kinds of programs. If you learn it well and understand the basic concepts, you can create programs that work well and are easy for people to use. Moreover, we’ve elaborated on the history, features, benefits, and many more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1.Is Visual Basic good for programming?
Ans.Yes! Visual Basic Programming language is good. It’s the most popular language.
Q2.How do I start programming in Visual Basic?
Ans. In Visual Studio.NET, go to the menu and click on File, then choose New and Project. On the left side, select Visual Basic, and on the right side, choose Console Application. Afterward, give your project a name and select where you want to save it. At last, Visual Studio will create a folder for your project automatically.