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Top 10 Python Developer Skills you must know

Top 10 Python Developer Skills you must know

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   7th February, 2023 Uploaded By:    Bhupendra Rawat
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You've decided to become a Python developer. Good for you! But before you can start calling yourself a pro, there are a few skills you need to learn.

Today, Python is a strong language that is utilised extensively across a variety of sectors. Companies like Google, Netflix, and Facebook rely on Python for their core systems and products. So, it's no wonder that Python developer jobs are in high demand.

But don't worry—you're not alone. We're here to help you get started on your Python developer journey. In this article, we'll teach you the top 10 skills required for python developer. 


What Is Python, and What Does a Python Developer Do?


Python is a powerful programming language that you can use on the backend of web applications. As a Python developer, you'll be responsible for building the logic, data storage, and functionality of these applications.

To be successful as a Python developer, the skills required for python developer are programming, algorithms, data structures, and software design. You'll also need to be able to work with other developers to create cohesive and well-functioning applications.



Core Programming Principles for Python Developers


As a Python developer, you must be well-versed in the basics of programming. This includes concepts such as variables, data types, conditionals, and loops. These principles will form the foundation of your Python development skills.

If you're not familiar with these concepts, don't worry. We're going to cover them in detail in this article. By the time you finish reading, you will have a strong understanding of the basics of programming and how they apply to Python development.


Data Structures and Algorithms


When it comes to writing code, nothing is more important than having a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms. This applies to Python just as much as any other language.

Data structures are the basic building blocks of any program. They allow you to store and organise data in a way that makes sense for your application. Algorithms are the functions that allow you to manipulate and process that data.

If you want to be a successful Python developer, you need to be comfortable with both of these concepts. Thankfully, Python makes it easy to learn and use both of them.



Web Development & Frameworks


Web development is an essential skill to have if you’re looking to become a Python pro. This includes web frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid. These frameworks allow you to create powerful web applications that can be easily integrated with other software and services. Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and CSS will also come in handy here.

You should also be comfortable using version control systems like Git and know how to deploy applications using tools like AWS and Heroku. Finally, having some background knowledge of DevOps practices is a great bonus for any Python programmer. Knowing how things like databases, server configurations, and containerization work will give you a competitive edge in the field of Python programming.



Database Fundamentals and ORMs


No. 5 on the list of must-know Python developer skills is a deep understanding of database fundamentals and object-relational mapping (ORMs). As a Python developer, you'll often be working with databases to store and access data in your applications.

To be successful in working with databases, you should know SQL commands and basic database architecture. You should also be comfortable using ORM libraries such as Django's ORM or SQLAlchemy. ORMs allow you to interact with databases in a more object-oriented way, rather than writing SQL commands every time you need to retrieve or update data in the database.

ORMs can also help you reduce the amount of redundant code in your projects since they provide an abstraction layer from which you can easily call common functions like insert or update data entries. Gaining expertise in these tools will pay off when it comes to developing robust applications utilizing complex databases.



Unit testing and debugging


You know the saying: test early, test often. Unit testing and debugging should be a key part of your coding practice. Unit testing ensures that the code functions as intended, and debugging is all about fixing errors in the code.

Unit testing frameworks such as Unittest, PyTest, and Nose will come in handy here. Also, you'll want to get familiar with popular debugging tools like PDB (the Python Debugger), Winpdb, PyDev Debugger, and ipdb. They can help you identify so-called "bugs" in your code faster and make sure everything works correctly before you deploy it to production.

Finally, familiarise yourself with tests for boundary conditions—these are values at which the behaviour of a programming system changes or breaks down. Make sure to test for edge cases, like if the input is empty or an unexpected type is entered; this will help weed out potential issues quickly!



Working with APIs, SDKs, and DevOps


Are you ready to take your Python skills to the next level? Then you should add working with APIs, SDKs, and DevOps to your repertoire.

APIs, or application programming interfaces, are essential for communication between components of a system as well as for the implementation of services like payment processing. SDKs, or Software Development Kits, are libraries of code that help developers interact with third-party systems. Knowing how to use both APIs and SDKs will make you an invaluable asset for any team.

DevOps is all about implementation—the practice of automation and integration between operations teams and development teams. Being able to work with DevOps tools like Jenkins and Kubernetes can help improve efficiency and give you a competitive edge in the job market. So get familiar with them!



Security and networking knowledge


Do you want to be a Python pro and be able to handle any challenges that come your way? Security and networking knowledge is a must.

Security and networking are all about protecting data, networks, or hardware from malicious or accidental harm. It’s about staying ahead of threats by monitoring for weaknesses, keeping networks running smoothly, and recovering quickly if something goes wrong.

To become an expert in this field, you need to understand how programmes interact with networks, learn encryption techniques, and be familiar with authentication protocols and IT security tools. And of course, having some working knowledge of networking protocols such as HTTP and DNS will also come in handy.

With such expertise under your belt, you can rest assured that you’ll be equipped to tackle any security or networking-related issues your projects might throw at you.



Problem-Solving Skills and Critical Thinking


Are you up for a challenge? Good! Problem-solving and critical thinking will be very important skills for you to hone if you’re going to become a Python pro. Oftentimes, you’ll find yourself trying to fix buggy code or build something completely from scratch without any real guidance, so it’s important to be able to think on your feet.

The great thing about problem-solving is that it’s both an art and a science. On the one hand, it requires logic and critical thinking; on the other, it demands creativity and flexibility. You need to be able to come up with solutions quickly but not rush into them carelessly. Also, don’t forget that as a programmer, you'll need debugging skills as well—and these are all related skills.

Overall, problem-solving is essential for any programmer—so take the time to hone your skills in this area if you want to stand out from the pack!



Understanding of OOP Concepts


As a Python developer, understanding object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts is a must. OOP is a programming style that lets you break down problems into smaller chunks, or "objects," which makes them easier to design and manage.

Your objects can have properties and functions, and they can be organised into classes. Classes let you reuse code, meaning if you’ve written one once, you can use it multiple times. OOP also allows for abstraction and encapsulation, two important topics that are essential for writing efficient code in Python.

Finally, don’t forget about inheritance—this lets you create new classes that reuse existing properties and methods from other classes. This can help streamline your code so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time.




So, these are the top 10 skills you need to know to be a successful Python developer. Do you have what it takes?

Of course, becoming a skilled Python developer is not a one-time event. It takes years of practice and hard work to become truly proficient in this language. But if you are willing to put in the effort, these skills will serve you well and help you to become a successful Python developer.

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Upskill Campus

UpskillCampus provides career assistance facilities not only with their courses but with their applications from Salary builder to Career assistance, they also help School students with what an individual needs to opt for a better career.

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