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What is Serverless Computing? Definition with Example

What is Serverless Computing? Definition with Example

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   1st February, 2024 Uploaded By:    Ankit Roy
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Serverless Computing has a standard for developing and managing computer programs In the ever-changing world of computer clouds. But wait, it doesn't mean there are no servers at all – there are, but they work behind the scenes. In addition, serverless makes it easy for developers to focus only on their code without worrying about dealing with the servers. If you want to know all the details about Serverless Cloud Computing, you're in the right place for your solution.

In this blog, we'll explore its concept, key principles, benefits, challenges, and real-world applications. Before moving further, we will give you a brief introduction about this. Afterwards, we will proceed ahead.


Introduction Serverless Computing


Serverless is the best way of making apps where the computer helpers automatically handle when people want to use the app or when the computer needs to do something. Moreover, they sort of share and manage the computer power as needed, so you don't have to do all the tricky work of setting up and looking after servers.


Serverless Computing Examples


Here, we will discuss some examples of serverless cloud computing. You just need to clarify and learn more about it.

There are some helpful tools AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure Functions, and IBM Cloud Code Engine. These are some serverless computing examples. In short, they're made by big companies that help with cloud stuff. Moreover, when you use these tools, the big cloud companies automatically take care of everything, like getting the computer ready for your app. You don't even need to see or talk to the servers. 


Core Components of Serverless Computing


Let us explore some key components of this architecture:

  1. Functions as a Service (FaaS): FaaS is the main thing that makes Serverless work smoothly. It decides how much computer power to use in different situations. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions are famous examples of this FaaS. So, when you click something or do something in an app, these functions get into action. They check the database and give you the correct answer.
  2. Stateless Execution: These computer functions in Serverless cloud stuff work don't keep any information from before. Instead, they let outside databases or services handle all the necessary details, making sure everything can grow big and be managed easily.


Pros and Cons of Using Serverless Computing


Here, we will elaborate on the advantages of using this computing. After that, we will learn some disadvantages of it.


Advantages of Serverless Architecture


Following are the advantages you need to know about serverless cloud platforms:

  1. Cost Efficiency: In the old way of doing things, you had to pay for computer stuff even if you weren't using all of it. But with serverless, you only pay for what you use. As a result, it makes it affordable, especially if your computer needs to change a lot.
  1. Scalability: Serverless setups grow bigger when several people suddenly want to use an app. They can do multiple things at the same time, kind of like juggling, to handle a bunch of people through the app all at once. Plus, they do it all by themselves – no need for anyone to step in and make adjustments. In short, it is really handy, especially for apps where you can't guess how many people will use it at any given time.
  1. Simplified Management: Serverless takes away the job of handling all the computer things from developers. So, developers get to focus on making their apps awesome and adding cool features without having to bother with servers.
  1. No need to handle: Even though 'serverless' sounds like there are no servers, there are, but here's the cool part: developers don't have to worry about them. However, the vendor takes care of all that server stuff. In short, it means developers can save money on DevOps. Moreover, they can focus on making and growing their

apps without worrying about how many servers they have.

Now, we will discuss some demerits of serverless cloud computing


Challenges in Serverless Cloud Computing


Here are two prime challenges of choosing a serverless provider:

        1, Cold Start Latency: Sometimes, when you ask a serverless function to do something, it can start working slowly. We call this a 'cold start.' Now, for regular apps, it might not be a big deal, but for apps that need to be                 fast all the time, like real-time ones, we need to think carefully about how this delay might affect them in certain situations.

  1. Vendor Lock-In: When you choose a serverless provider, they all have their features. But if you pick one, you might end up sticking with them because they do things a bit differently.
  2. New Security Concerns: Since each company doesn't get its very own unique computer, the helpers might be using one computer for lots of different companies all at once. This sharing stuff is called 'multitenancy,' and it's a bit like many companies sharing an office space.

When developers think about changing their serverless providers, they need to weigh the good stuff they get against the possible challenges. 


Real-World Applications of Serverless Cloud Computing


Here, we will discuss discuss applications regarding the same.

  • Web and Mobile Applications: Serverless is a perfect fit for websites and apps that have lots of people using them in different ways. For instance, every time someone clicks or does something on a website, it can make things happen.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): Serverless setups are the best ways to deal with these sudden bursts of info. They make sure everything gets processed smoothly and use the computer power efficiently.
  • Backend Processing: Serverless functions can do vital jobs behind the scenes. Stuff like fixing pictures or videos, changing data, or handling files – they're good at these tasks.




Serverless computing changed how we use computers in the cloud. It makes things super scalable (meaning it can grow as needed), saves money, and makes managing stuff way easier. As technology gets better, serverless is going to play an even bigger role in how we use computer solutions in the cloud.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which is an AWS serverless offering?

Ans. Some known AWS Serverless Services are- AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, AWS DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon API Gateway.

Q2. Is serverless computing SaaS or PaaS?

Ans. Serverless computing is a form of cloud computing that falls under Platform as a Service (PaaS).

About the Author

Upskill Campus

UpskillCampus provides career assistance facilities not only with their courses but with their applications from Salary builder to Career assistance, they also help School students with what an individual needs to opt for a better career.

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