9 min read

Complete Rust Programming Language Tutorial With Example C

Rust is a super-fast programming language that's really good at preventing mistakes. Unlike older languages like C, Rust checks your code carefully before it runs, ensuring everything works as expected. It's perfect for building the core parts of computers and other devices. However, it's also easy to use for regular software. We are here to discuss this in this Rust programming language tutorial.


Overview of Rust Programming Language


Rust is a super-detailed programming language. It handles the nitty-gritty stuff like how data is stored and moved around inside a computer. Rust is designed to help you write super-fast code that doesn't crash.

To use Rust, you need a few tools:

  • Rustc: This is like a translator that turns your Rust code into something the computer can understand.
  • Rustup: This tool helps you install and keep Rust up-to-date.
  • Cargo: This is like a project manager that helps you organize your code and build your projects.

Rust has some key features that make your code strong and efficient:

  • Rust ensures you borrow data correctly, so you don't accidentally mess it up or lose track of it.
  • You can use functions and different data structures to organize your code.
  • Rust can be clever about how it uses your data, making your code cleaner and easier to read.
  • You can tell Rust how different types of data should behave, making your code more flexible.

This Rust programming language tutorial will focus on the core of Rust, not all the extra tools available. We recommend writing short programs to practice, and there's a handy trick to compile and run them quickly.


How to Set Up Rust Programming Language?


This rust programming language tutorial guide assumes you're new to Rust and walks you through setting it up. Don't worry! It's easy!

  • Install Rust: Just copy and paste this line into your terminal (the command prompt window):

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

  • However, this will install the latest stable version of Rust, which is all you need for now. You can always download newer versions later on.
  • While you're at it, run this command to get access to helpful Rust documentation offline:

rustup component add rust-docs

  • Choose Your Text Editor: You can use any editor you're comfortable with writing Rust code. It's best to start with basic features like highlighting the code colors for different parts of Rust syntax. As your programs get more complex, you can explore more advanced features in your editor.
  • Recommendation (Optional): If you're on Linux, an editor called Geany comes with built-in Rust support, making things even simpler. It also works on other platforms, so feel free to check it out.

The most significant thing is to get comfortable writing, compiling, and running Rust programs. The best way to learn Rust programming language is by typing in code and getting used to working with your editor.


Functions Under Rust Programming Language Tutorial


Functional Programming Rust is designed to perform specific tasks and can be reused multiple times. As a result, this helps to organize your code, making it easier to read, understand, and maintain.


Key points about functions:-

  • Reusability: Once you've defined a function, you can use it multiple times in different parts of your program.
  • Organization: Functions help break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Modularity: They promote code reusability and can be tested independently.

Syntax: In Rust, you use the fn keyword to define a function, followed by the function name, parentheses for arguments, and curly braces for the function body.



fn greet(name: &str) {

println!("Hello, {}!", name);


fn main() {




In this example, the greet function takes a name as input and prints a greeting. The primary function calls greet twice with different names.


Benefits of using functions:-


  • Improved code readability: By breaking down code into smaller functions, you can make your program easier to understand.
  • Reduced code duplication: You can avoid writing the same code multiple times by using functions.
  • Better code organization: Functions help structure your code and make it easier to maintain.
  • Enhanced code reusability: Functions can be used in different parts of your program or even in other programs.

By effectively using functions, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and scalable Rust programs.


Applications of Rust Programming Language


Under this Rust programming language tutorial, Rust is a versatile programming language that can be used for many things.

  • Building the Core: Rust is great for creating the building blocks of computers, like operating systems and device drivers. It's also used to make things like savvy devices run smoothly.
  • Creating Websites: You can use Rust to build websites and online services. There are advanced tools to help you do this quickly and efficiently.
  • Working with Data: While not as popular as, some other languages for crunching numbers, Rust can handle data analysis and calculations. Some other advanced libraries are there to help with this kind of work.

After understanding rust programming language uses, we will move further towards the use cases. 


Rust Programming Language Use Cases


Rust is the most comprehensive and versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks.

  • Building the Core: It's perfect for creating the foundation of computers and devices, like operating systems and the software that controls hardware.
  • High-Speed Work: Rust is fast and good at handling multiple pieces of information quickly. 
  • Web Development: You can build entire websites and web applications using Rust. It's becoming increasingly popular for creating fast and secure online experiences.
  • Crypto and Blockchain: Because Rust is secure and fast, it's a top choice for building cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
  • Command Line Tools: Rust is great for creating those handy tools you use in your terminal.
  • Savvy Devices: Its efficiency and safety make it perfect for building the brains of savvy devices and other connected things.

Basically, Rust is a powerful language that can handle tasks from the smallest computer chips to massive online systems.


Features of Rust Programming Language


Rust is a remarkable and advanced programming language designed to be safe and fast. Here's why:

  • Zero cost abstraction: You can make your code look cleaner and easier to understand without slowing it down.
  • Error messages: When you make a mistake, Rust gives you clear and helpful hints to fix it.
  • Move semantics: Rust can often figure out what kind of data you're using, saving you time.
  • Threads without data races: Rust can move data around quickly and safely, without making extra copies.
  • Pattern matching: Rust prevents crashes that happen when multiple parts of your program try to use the same data simultaneously.
  • Guaranteed memory safety: Rust lets you break down problems into smaller pieces and choose the best solution for each part.
  • Efficient C bindings: Rust ensures your program won't crash because of memory problems.
  • Safe memory space allocation: Rust can easily talk to older C programs.
  • Careful Memory Management: Rust gives you control over memory. However, it helps you avoid mistakes that can cause problems.


Rust Programming Language Example


The following section will elaborate on various examples. Follow and understand them. 

  • Example of Rust to implement Structure. 

struct Employee {

name: String,

company: String,

employee_id: u32,

profile: String


fn main() {

let value = Employee {

name: String::from("Geek"),

company: String::from("Geeksforgeeks.org"),

employee_id: 007,



println!("Employee: {} of {} Company bearing EmployeeID {} is of {} level.",






  •  Here, we accomplish the Rust language through Tuple. 

// Rust program to get value from tuple

// using index

fn main() {

let gfg = ("cp", "algo", "FAANG", "Data Structure");


// complete tuple

println!("complete tuple = {:?} ", gfg );


// first value

println!("at 0 index = {} ", gfg.0 );


// second value

println!("at 0 index = {} ", gfg.1 );


// third value

println!("at 0 index = {} ", gfg.2 );


// fourth value

println!("at 0 index = {} ", gfg.3 );


  • Here, we will describe the implementation of Mutability under this Rust programming language tutorial. 

fn main() {

let x = 2;


// It will show an error

x = 9; 


println!("{}", x);



Concluding Thoughts


Under this Rust programming language tutorial, Rust is a powerful and modern programming language that prioritizes speed, safety, and concurrency. By combining low-level control with high-level abstractions, it empowers developers to build reliable and efficient software. From building operating systems to crafting web applications, Rust's versatility and unique features make it a compelling choice for a wide range of projects. In addition, its emphasis on memory safety and performance, coupled with a growing ecosystem, positions Rust as a language to watch for the future of software development.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Rust frontend or backend?

Ans. Rust is backend programming language but can also be utilized for frontend tasks, especially with frameworks like Yew.

Q2. Is Rust better than Python?

Ans. Rust is better than Python for performance-critical, memory-safe, and concurrent tasks, but Python excels in simplicity, rapid development, and a rich ecosystem for various applications.