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What is Regular Expression in Python – Explain With Example W


This guide explains a regular expression in Python that helps find patterns in text. It works like a tool used in a programming language called Perl. You can search for patterns in both normal and special texts used for different languages (Unicode). However, you can't mix these two text types when searching or replacing patterns. The pattern, the text you're searching for, and the replacement text must all be of the same type.

What is a Regular Expression in Python?

A regular expression is a notable pattern of characters that can be used to search for specific text within a larger document. It's a powerful search tool that can find complex patterns, not just simple words or phrases. Moreover, this tool is used in many ways, such as finding and replacing text, validating input, and analyzing text data. It's a fundamental concept in computer science and language theory.


Regular expressions in Python have been around since the 1950s, thanks to a mathematician named Stephen Cole Kleene. They became popular with Unix, a computer operating system. Over the years, different ways of writing regular expressions have emerged, with POSIX and Perl being two common standards.


Today, regular expressions are used in various tools and software. Search engines rely on them to find relevant information. Word processors and text editors use them for search and replace functions. Text processing utilities like sed and AWK also employ regular expressions. Many programming languages support regular expressions, often through libraries or built-in functions.

Why is Regular Expression Used?

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for filtering and searching text. In addition, they use special characters to define patterns that can match specific text strings. Here are some common regular expression uses and their meanings:


  • . (Dot): This matches every single character, except a new line.* (Asterisk): Captures any number of repetitions, including none, of the preceding character.
  • ^ (Caret): Matches the beginning of a string.
  • $ (Dollar): Matches the end of a string.
  • [] (Square brackets): Defines a character set. Matches any single character within the set.




To find all devices whose name starts with "AL" and has any number of characters after that, you can use the regular expression ^AL.*.


  • ^: Matches the beginning of the string.
  • AL: Matches the literal character "AL".
  • .*: Matches any number of characters (zero or more).


To find all devices whose name ends with "G", you can use the regular expression in Python.*G$.


  • G: Matches the literal character "G".
  • $: Matches the end of the string.


By understanding these basic regular expression characters, you can create more specific and powerful filters in your OQL queries and stitcher language code.

Application of Regular Expression in Python

Before we dive into using the regular expression in Python, let's explore their wide range of applications to understand their potential.


  • Data Validation: Regular expressions can be used to check if data like email addresses or phone numbers is formatted correctly.
  • Web Scraping: When extracting information from websites, regular expressions can help identify and isolate the specific data you need from the HTML code.
  • Search and Replace: Regular expressions can find and replace text that matches a certain pattern. Moreover, this is useful in text editors, databases, and coding.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Many text editors use regular expressions to color-code different parts of code, making it easier to read and understand.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): In NLP, regular expressions can be used for tasks like breaking text into words (tokenization), reducing words to their root form (stemming), and other text processing techniques.
  • Log Analysis: Regular expressions can help analyze log files by extracting specific entries or identifying patterns over time.

Syntax of Python Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions (RE) is a special sequence of characters used to define a search pattern for text. Besides that, it is used to find, match, or manipulate strings. For example, 'ab*' (matches "a" followed by zero or more "b"s), '\d+' (matches one or more digits).

Module Functions

  • Re.compile(pattern, flags=0): Compiles a regular expression pattern into a pattern object for efficient matching.
  • Re.search(pattern, string): Searches for the first occurrence of the pattern in the string.
  • Re.match(pattern, string): Similar to search but only matches if the pattern starts at the beginning of the string.
  • Re.findall(pattern, string): Returns a list of all non-overlapping matches of the pattern in the string.
  • Re.finditer(pattern, string): Returns an iterator yielding match objects for all non-overlapping matches.   
  • Re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0): Substitutes all occurrences of the pattern in the string with the replacement repl.

Now, if we talk about the syntax which would be:

Pattern Syntax

Ordinary characters match themselves. In addition, special characters have specific meanings. The upcoming section will elaborate on the same. 


  • . (dot) – Matches any single character except newline by default.
  • ^ – Matches the beginning of the string.
  • $ (dollar) – Matches the end of the string.
  • *(asterisk) – Matches zero or more repetitions of the preceding RE.
  • Plus (+) – Matches one or more repetitions of the preceding RE.
  • ? – Matches zero or one repetition of the preceding RE.
  • []: Character class (matches one character out of a set).
  • |: Alternation (matches either the pattern before or the pattern after the pipe).
  • \: Escape character (used to treat special characters literally).
  • \d: Matches any decimal digit.
  • \s: Matches any whitespace character.
  • \w: Matches any word character (alphanumeric and underscore).
  • \b: Matches the empty string at the beginning or end of a word.
  • Parentheses: Group expressions and define the order of operations.


Modify the regular expression behavior:


  • Re.IGNORECASE: Case-insensitive matching.
  • Re.MULTILINE: ^ matches the beginning of each line, $ matches the end of each line, or before the new line at the end.
  • Re.DOTALL: . matches any character, including Newline.
  • Re.ASCII: Restricts matching to ASCII characters.
  • Re.LOCALE: Makes \w, \W, \b, and \B dependent on the current locale (for bytes patterns).

Regular Expression Example

Now, we will discuss some common examples of regular expression in Python Programming that will be beneficial for you in the future. 





import re


text = "This is some text with an email example@email.com"

pattern = r"\w+@\w+\.\w+"  # Raw string for verbatim pattern

match = re.search(pattern, text)


if match:

  print(match.group())  # Output: "example@email.com"




def displaymatch(match):

    if match is None:

        return None

    return '' % (match.group(), match.groups())


Regular expressions in Python are a powerful tool that helps you find and manipulate specific patterns within text. They can be used for various tasks, from simple searching to complex data processing. By learning how to use regular expressions effectively, you can write more efficient and sophisticated Python code, especially when working with text data.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Python good for regular expressions?

Ans. Yes! Python's regular expressions provide a quick and efficient way to search, match, and modify text based on specific patterns. By mastering this tool, you can enhance your programming skills, whether you're checking user input, processing data, or extracting information from large text files.

Q2. What are regular functions in Python?

Ans. A regular expression is a unique pattern of characters that you can use to find and match specific text within a larger string. In addition, Python provides functions that allow you to check if a particular text matches a given pattern or vice versa. Moreover, this makes it a powerful tool for searching and manipulating text data.


About The Author: admin