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How to Use Python for Web Development - Frameworks & Applications

How to Use Python for Web Development - Frameworks & Applications

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   9th April, 2024 Uploaded By:    Ankit Roy
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Python is a great way to make websites and apps that move and change. It has multiple valuable tools that make it easy for developers to build immense and fast websites. In this guide, we'll check out how to do Python for web development, look at some tools, and see one example of a website we can make.  

Understanding Python For Web Development

Python web development is about making websites and apps using Python. Python is a famous and easy-to-use coding language known for being understanding and having multiple tools.


In Python web development, we use Python to write the parts of a website that work behind the scenes. As a result, it includes dealing with how the website talks to the internet, storing and getting data. Moreover, it makes the website do what it's supposed to accomplish and shows stuff that changes. 

Need to Use Python For Web Development

Python is a popular language for making websites, and there are good reasons why people love using it:


  • Easy to Read and Write: Python's code is simple and easy to understand. So developers can understand and write it. However, this makes coding faster and more clear, whether you're new to programming or a pro.
  • Big Community Support: Lots of developers use Python, so there are tons of helpful tools, libraries, and resources available. As a result, it makes it easier to build websites with Python because you have a lot of support.
  • Multiple Tools and Frameworks: Python has many tools and frameworks that make web development simpler. For example, Django is a popular framework that provides everything you need to build complex websites, while Flask gives you more control over how your website works.
  • Handles Lots of Traffic: Python is good at handling various users visiting a website once, making it great for high-traffic sites.
  • Works Well with Other Technologies: Python can easily connect with other technologies like databases, web servers, and APIs, making it flexible for different web development needs.
  • Easy Testing and Fixing: Python has tools that help developers test their websites and find and fix problems quickly.
  • Fast Development: Python's straightforward nature and ready-to-use modules allow developers to build websites quickly, which is great for startups and small projects that need to get online fast.

How to Use Python Language in Web Development?

Here are a few steps to use Python for web development:


  • First, download and install Python from the official website.
  • After that, decide which web framework you want to use, like Django or Flask.
  • Create a folder for your project and set up a virtual environment to keep things organized.
  • Use pip, Python's package manager, to install your chosen framework and any other utilities you need.
  • Use commands provided by the framework to create a new project structure.
  • Modify configuration files to set up database connections and security settings.
  • Then, make models to represent your data and how it's organized.
  • Also, write code to handle user requests and display web pages.
  • Next, configure URLs to direct users to the right parts of your application.
  • If your app needs forms or user input, set up a code to process and validate that input.
  • Further, configure your app to work with databases, if needed.
  • Afterward, write code to make your app do what it should, like handling user authentication or processing data. 
  • Write tests to check that your app works as expected and debug any issues you find.
  • Once everything works well, deploy your app to a hosting service so others can use it.
  • Regularly update and maintain your app to keep it secure and running smoothly.

Python Web Development Frameworks

The above section has gone through the steps to use Python for web development. Python has different frameworks for building websites, and here are some popular ones:


  • Django: It's a full-featured framework with multiple tools for making complex web apps quickly. Moreover, it handles database stuff, URLs, forms, and user authentication. Django follows a specific pattern for organizing code.
  • Flask: This one is lighter and gives developers more control. It's the best for smaller projects and focuses on essentials like handling web pages and URLs. Flask leaves things like databases and user logins to other tools you can add.
  • Pyramid: Pyramid is flexible and lets developers choose what they need. It supports different ways to make web pages and handles tasks like user logins and storing data.
  • Bottle: Bottle is really simple and easy to learn. It's the best option for beginners or small projects because it does basic web stuff like showing pages and handling requests without needing extra tools.
  • CherryPy: CherryPy is simple and fast, perfect for building small or medium-sized apps. In addition, it sufficiently handles web requests and manages user sessions.
  • Tornado: Tornado focuses on speed and handling multiple users at once. It's ample for apps that need real-time features, like chat apps or streaming services.


These frameworks or web applications using Python, each have their strengths and are good for different projects. Make sure to remember what you need for your website, how big it will be, and what kind of support you want when choosing a framework.

Python Libraries For Web Development

When you're building websites with Python, you can use lots of handy tools and libraries to make your work easier. Here are some popular ones to use libraries of Python for web development:


  • Requests: This tool helps you talk to other websites by making HTTP requests. It's the best for working with web APIs and dealing with stuff like headers and authentication.
  • Beautiful Soup: If you need to read and understand web pages, this library is perfect. However, it helps you analyze HTML and XML files, which is handy for tasks like web scraping.
  • Pillow: This library is all about working with images. You can resize, crop, and add cool effects to images for your website.
  • SQLAlchemy: When your website needs a database to store information, SQLAlchemy makes it easy. In short, it's a translator between your Python code and the database.
  • Celery: Sometimes, your website needs to do tasks in the background without slowing down the main part of the site. In other words, it helps with that by managing tasks separately. 
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: If you're using the Flask framework for your website, this tool makes working with databases even easier.
  • Flask-WTF: Forms are a big part of websites where users input information. Flask-WTF helps you handle forms and make sure the data users enter is correct.
  • PyJWT: This library helps with authentication, which is about ensuring users are who they say they are.
  • Redis-py: If your website needs to store and retrieve much data quickly, Redis-py works well with Redis. In other words, it is a high-speed data storage system.
  • Pydantic: This tool helps check that the data your website gets is correct and matches what it expects.

How to Build a Website With Python?

Here, we will discuss creating a website using Python for web development. Follow these steps: 


  • First, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can get it from the official Python website.
  • Then, pick a framework that fits your needs. Flask and Django are good for beginners. For this example, we'll use Flask.
  • Further, open your terminal or command prompt and type "pip install flask" to install Flask.
  • Make a new folder for your project. However, this folder will hold all your web app's files.
  • Inside your project folder, create a new file named app.py. As a result, this file will have your Python code.
  • In app.py, write code to import Flask and create an instance of the Flask class.
  • Also, define a URL route (like "/login") and a function to handle that route. In short, this function will generate the web page or perform actions when someone visits that URL.
  • Make a new folder named "templates" inside your project folder. Inside "templates," create a file named "login.html" with HTML code for your login page.
  • Next, add code at the end of app.py to run your Flask app. Then, in your terminal, go to your project folder and type "python app.py" to start your app.
  • In your web browser, go to http://localhost:5000/login. You should see your login page there.
  • Try logging in with "admin" as the username and "password" as the password. You should see a message saying "Login successful!" If you use any other username or password, you'll get an "Invalid username or password" message.


This example shows a basic login page using Flask. In short, it will help you to web design with Python. You can add more features like database integration or user authentication based on what your project needs. 


As developers learn more, they can improve their websites by adding features like storing data in databases, letting users log in securely, keeping track of user sessions, and making sure everything is safe from hackers. Python has multiple tools and helpful people in the community, so developers have everything they need to make websites using Python for web development that work well and are easy to use.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.Is Python suitable for web development?

Ans.Yes! Python is suitable for web development.

Q2.Can Python be used with HTML?

Ans. Yes! Python can also be used with HTML.

Q3.How is Python used in backend web development?

Ans. As a Python back-end developer, you can work with immense sets of data, analyze stats, and make graphs. Moreover, tools like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are often used for these tasks.


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Upskill Campus

UpskillCampus provides career assistance facilities not only with their courses but with their applications from Salary builder to Career assistance, they also help School students with what an individual needs to opt for a better career.

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