7 min read

Python for Beginners: How to Learn Python from Scratch P



Are you looking for details on why and how to begin using Python? Fortunately, an expert programmer in any programming language can easily become proficient in Python. Additionally, Python for beginners is also simple to use and learn.

Furthermore, experts with knowledge of programming languages like C++ and Java may benefit from this guide. This tutorial will assist you in learning Python in the most effective way possible.


Reasons to Learn Python Programming Language?


Python is one of the most popular programming languages today. But, despite being a general-purpose language, it is used across several fields. It is applicable in areas like the Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and web development.


The language is a great place to start if you have never coded before. Python coding for beginners is easy to read and write. Moreover, Python is more approachable for beginners than many other languages. This is because it has English syntax and was created to be brief and easy to read. 

Additionally, this programming language can be interpreted, therefore learning it is very simple. This means that you may also run each line of code once you have finished writing it. Thus, you can inspect it right away and make improvements if necessary. This is a huge time- and effort-saver for programmers all over the world. Furthermore, it is a major aid for those who are still learning. 


Prerequisites of Python for Beginners


  • Installing


Python is usually simple to install, and today many Linux and UNIX distributions come with modern Python. Also, Python is currently pre-installed on some Windows machines. Python installation should be simple on most platforms. Python learning for beginners starts with installing and some may be unsure how to do it. However, they can find a few comments on the BeginnersGuide/Download Wiki page.


  • Learning Material


Before you begin, look at some code samples. Also, see which IDEs and text editors are designed to make Python editing simple. Additionally, look for a Python tutorial for beginners. 

Additionally, you can find a set of lessons appropriate for seasoned programmers on the BeginnersGuide/lessons website. Moreover, it provides a list of materials in different languages.


How to Learn Python in Simple Steps 


Let's look at some steps to learn Python from scratch. You will need to start at the very beginning and work your way up:


  1. Identify Your Goals


Finding out why you want to learn Python is crucial in the first place. This is because it is a flexible language with many different uses. So, knowing why you want to learn Python will help you create a customized learning strategy.

You may be interested in automating processes, analyzing data, or designing software. But, having an end goal before going for Python programming for beginners will keep you motivated.


  1. Basics of Python Knowledge


Python places a focus on the readability of the code. It also enables you to express concepts in fewer lines of code. So, start by being familiar with basics like variables, data types, and operators.

The core concepts of using Python for data analysis are covered in a Python course for beginners. Thus, it helps you in your familiarisation with these ideas.


  1. Create Your Very First Python Program


Start by creating an easy Python program, like the traditional "Hello, World!" script. Therefore, you can learn more about Python code's syntax and layout through this approach. Some of these basics are also covered in introductory tutorials for Python for beginners.


  1. Mastering Advanced Python Ideas


Once you are comfortable with the basics, you can start exploring some more complex ideas. This stage is also crucial for developing your knowledge of Python. Moreover, it can also help you in resolving many problems. Because as a programmer you may run into problems when coding.


  1. Learn Through Experience


Using Python actively is the best way to learn Python. Therefore, I spend less time learning syntax and more time working on projects. Additionally, it is beneficial to apply the ideas you have learned in class to practical tasks and exercises.


  1. Create a Project Portfolio


Create a portfolio as your projects are finished. Also, this portfolio should be specific to the job or sector that you are working in. Additionally, it should also showcase your abilities and interests. So, create unique projects that highlight your capacity for problem-solving.


Some Useful Python Basics for Beginners


  1. Fundamentals

Python fundamentals include the knowledge of:


  • Syntax 
  • Variables 
  • Strings 
  • Numbers 
  • Booleans 
  • Constants 
  • Comments 
  • Type conversion 


  1. Operators


Python for beginners also combines knowledge of operators. The two main operators useful in Python are :


  • Comparison operators 
  • Logical operators 


  1. Control Flow


In Control flow, the learners become familiar with:


  • if-else statement
  • Ternary operator
  • for loop with range() 
  • while
  • break 
  • continue 
  • pass statement


  1. Functions


Essential Python functions include:


  • Default parameters 
  • Keyword arguments 
  • Recursive functions 
  • Lambda Expressions 
  • Docstrings 


  1. Lists


Lists are also an essential topic in Python for beginners. So, learn the concepts like:


  • Tuple 
  • Sort a list in place 
  • Sort a List 
  • Slice a List 
  • Unpack a list 
  • Iterate over a List 
  • Find the index of an element 
  • Iterables 
  • Transform list elements with map()
  • Filter list elements with filter() 
  • Reduce list elements into a value with reduce() 
  • List comprehensions


  1. Dictionaries and Sets


It includes:


  • Dictionary comprehension
  • Set comprehension 
  • Union of Sets 
  • Intersection of Sets 
  • Difference of sets 
  • Symmetric Difference of sets 
  • Subset 
  • Superset 
  • Disjoint sets 


These are some basic concepts for Python for beginners. You can gradually move over to other topics like exception handling, modules & packages, and strings.



This Python guide is useful for beginners to help them understand Python. Thus, it covers basic to advanced concepts of the Python programming language. It also covers the essential steps regarding Python for beginners.  Moreover, there are many ways to learn Python from online classes to in-person coaching. So, once you have a strong foundation, you can move on to the higher levels. Furthermore, you can also become a top-tier software engineer.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What is Python fees?

Ans.The fees for the Python Course range from Rs. 9900 INR to Rs. 33,900 INR at present.

Q2.Is Python full of maths?

Ans.Mathematics is also an essential part of most Python development. So, you must be good at maths to use Python more efficiently.

Q3.Which is the best place to learn Python from scratch?

Ans.You can learn Python from various institutes through online or offline courses. The IoT Academy provides the best Python certification course in Noida. The course is both online and offline as well students will get a certificate and internship after completing the course.