8 min read

What is Neural Network – Definition | Types | Tools W

Neural Networks are the computational models that try to copy how our human brains work. These networks have little parts called neurons that interconnect with each other and learn from information. They help computers find patterns and make decisions in machine learning. Let's know more about how they work, their structure, and more cool stuff.

What are Neural Networks?

A neural network is another machine learning program that makes decisions like our brains accomplish. It works by copying how our neurons team up to understand things, think about choices, and come up with answers.

Neural networks contain several layers of nodes, such as hidden, input, and output. In this network, each node is connected to other nodes and has its weight and threshold. When the output of a node goes beyond the threshold value, that node gets activated. Moreover, it sends data to the next layer of the network. However, if the output of a node is below the threshold value, no data is passed to the next layer of the network.

Why are Neural Networks Necessary?

Neural networks are computer brains that can learn and understand complicated stuff, like when things are connected in a tricky way.

For example, they can look at sentences and know if they mean the same thing, even if the words differ. Apart from that, they can recognize "How do I make the payment?" and "How do I transfer money?” Despite this, it can also be understood that 'Baxter Road' is a place, but 'Baxter Smith' is a person's name.

Uses of Neural Networks

  • They can help doctors look at pictures of your insides and figure out if something might be wrong.
  • It can help show you ads based on what you enjoy.
  • They can predict how money might go in the future by looking at how things went in the past.
  • They can help guess that by looking at how much we used before.
  • Factories can use these networks to ensure everything they create is just right.
  • Scientists use these to figure out what's in different chemicals.

Now, we will discuss how it works.

How Do Neural Networks Work?

It inspires with the help of the structure of the human brain. The brain contains neurons that create a complex and highly interconnected network. However, it allows us to process information by sending electrical signals to each other. Similarly, artificial neural networks are composed of artificial neurons, or nodes, that work together to solve problems. These artificial neurons are software modules. On the other hand, neural networks are software programs or algorithms. It uses computing systems to perform mathematical calculations.

  • Input Layer: Outside Information of the world enters the neural network using the input layer. It processes and analyzes the data before passing it on to the next layer.
  • Hidden Layer: Hidden layers in artificial neural networks (ANN) are responsible for processing data from the input layer or other hidden layers. Networks can have many such layers. For example, each layer analyzes the output from the previous one. Afterward, it processes it further and then passes it on to the next layer.
  • Output Layer: The output layer in ANN provides the final result of the data processing. It can have a single node or multiple nodes, depending on the type of problem. For instance, in a binary classification, the output layer has only one node, giving binary results as either 1/0. However, in a multi-class classification problem, the output layer may consist of more than one node to provide the required number of outputs.

There are some savvy neural networks called deep neural networks. They have even more layers and nodes, like a mega-thought machine. But, they need a lot of practice to get good – way more than simpler ones.

Types of Neural Networks

Here are several types of neural networks:

  • Feedforward Neural Networks

Feedforward neural networks process data in a unidirectional manner. Moreover, it moves from the input node to the output node. Per node in one layer is connected to every node in the next layer. To improve predictions over time, the feedforward network uses a feedback process.

You make guesses, and if they're right, you remember them. If they're wrong, you try a different path next time.

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional neural networks have hidden layers that perform mathematical functions called convolutions. These layers are necessary for image classification as they can extract relevant features from images that aid in their recognition and classification.

The new form of the image is easier to process without losing critical features that are necessary for accurate predictions. Each hidden layer processes mixed image features such as edges, color, and depth.

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Neural Network contains a memory master called a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). First, it looks at some information (like a computer reading a sentence). But, it doesn't just forget it. It remembers everything it saw and learned.

Now, if it makes a mistake in guessing something, it doesn't give up. Nope! It takes a moment to think about where it went wrong and learn from that mistake.

  • Deconvolutional Neural Networks

Deconvolutional Neural Network or DCNN) works backward. It tries to find things that might be missed during a CNN. So, if the first CNN was looking at a picture and didn't notice some vital details, DCNN steps in. It goes backward and figures out those missed details hidden in the image. Now, we will elaborate on the drawbacks or demerits of it.

Limitations of Neural Networks

The following section will discuss the limitations of neural networks and deep learning.

  • No Set Rules: Figuring out how to set up the neural network is complex without a rule book. People have to try things out a lot to get it just right.
  • Needs Hardware: They require processors and hardware. In short, they need special tools to work appropriately.
  • Numerical translation: The ANN processes numerical information, requiring all problems to be translated into numeric values.
  • Hard to Understand: It can solve problems. However, it doesn't always explain how. People might not trust it because they can't see how it figures things out.
  • Mistakes Happen: If it doesn't practice enough, it might get things wrong.
  • Black box nature: Moreover, it can make predictions, but you have no idea how it guessed. That can be confusing and hard to trust.

Now, it's time to understand or look over the brief introduction to the necessary tools. It’ll be helpful to you to get the detailed information.

Neural Networks Tools

The following section will discuss various software for neural networks.

  1. Keras
  2. PyTorch
  3. Caffe
  4. Neural Designer
  5. CNTK

Here, we’ve provided you with an overview. Now, we will discuss them further.

  • Keras: Keras is a helpful tool that lets people easily talk to neural networks using Python. In other words, it's a translator. In fact, it works closely with the TensorFlow library to make the computer brain understand what we want it to do.
  • PyTorch: PyTorch has various assistants and tools that help it do several things, like understanding language and seeing pictures.
  • Caffe: Caffe is the best software for computers to learn deeply. It's open for everyone to use, uses C++ language, and has a friendly sidekick named Python.
  • Neural Designer: Neural Designer is another tool that makes learning for machines easy. It has a simple picture menu to put in information and understand what the machines learned.
  • CNTK: CNTK, or Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, is a free and powerful tool that helps people teach computers to learn savvy things.


Neural Networks can think really deep and fast, way more than we can. These come in different types, like other humans for diverse jobs. In finance, they analyze all transactions and figure out where assets are going. Along with that, they even predict what might happen in the money world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What is the difference between AI and neural networks?

Ans. Neural Networks or computer brains are a subset of Artificial Intelligence.(SEO)

Q2.Why is CNN better than NN?

Ans. The biggest advantage of CNN is that it can detect essential features without human supervision.


About The Author: admin