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What is Low Level Languages | List of Low Level Programming Languages

What is Low Level Languages | List of Low Level Programming Languages

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   21st February, 2024 Uploaded By:    Ankit Roy
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There's a big difference between low-level and high-level ones. Low level languages speak directly to the computer's brain and hardware. They give you complete control and make things super efficient, especially in jobs like computers or embedded systems. This guide will look closely at these languages and why they matter. Moreover, we will provide common questions that pop up when you start exploring this necessary part of computer science.


What is a Low Level Programming Language?


A low-level language is a computer's native language. It aids in telling the computer exactly what to do. Despite this, it deals with all the tiny parts inside the computer. However, this language isn’t simple as the regular languages we use for software programming. Instead, it's a secret code that only the computer can read. Moreover, machine and Assembly language are two instances of low language programming.

The main job of low level languages is to help other languages, like PHP, C#, and Swift. As a result, it aids in making computer programs and scripts. These programs allow to manage, run, and change how the computer works. When a person writes the instructions in a high-level language, using the text editor is the best. But the CPU can't understand it directly. So, before the computer can follow those instructions, the code must be changed into a low-level language.


Types of Low Level Languages


The following section will discuss two subtypes of low level code languages. Just read and understand each section.


Machine Language

We know that computers use a unique language called the binary system, which is 0s and 1s. Machine language is a low-level language and uses these 0s and 1s directly. In spite of this, it's the language the CPU understands. Every command or instruction for the computer is written in this 0s and 1s language. As a result, it makes it difficult for humans to grasp and use as our primary way of talking to computers.


Assembly Language

Assembly language is another way of talking to computers that approaches how they work. It uses symbols and codes to tell the computer to do basic things, like adding, moving, or comparing numbers. Because every computer has its way of doing things, it also has its own unique instructions. In short, it is easier than the primary machine language, making things run faster. But writing and reading it is still a bit tricky. Assembly language is converted into the computer's introductory language using an assembler program.

Examples of Languages

Let's talk about different computer languages.

  • x86 Assembly: This language is commonly used to work on the low-level components of computers with Intel chips.
  • ARM Assembly: This language is popular in small computers, phones, and smart devices. It's good because it helps these gadgets use power wisely. In fact, it can do several things.
  • Machine Languages: Now, every computer has its way of language, and this is what we call machine language. Even though each computer has its unique way, they all use a binary code that the CPU can understand.

Now, we will elaborate on the uses of low language programming.


Uses of Programming Low Language


  1. Making Operating Systems: You know how your computer needs to use language to all its parts and make them work together. Low level languages help create the operating system and ensure it uses all its hardware resources wisely.
  2. Embedded Systems: In these languages, such as those used in tiny computers embedded in medical devices, cars, and thermostats, hardware can be controlled directly.
  3. Device Drivers: Low-level languages help create these drivers, like the ones for headphones or speakers. In addition, it makes sure every language gets the proper use of hardware nicely.
  4. Being Right on Time: Some computer jobs should happen at the perfect time, like in airplanes or robots. Low-level languages help with precise timing, ensuring everything happens when it should.
  5. Reverse Engineering: Sometimes, we need to figure out how things work. Low-level languages let programmers look inside the computer's memory and instructions. In fact, it helps them to analyze and understand and keep things running smoothly.

The following section has gone through the uses of low language programming. Now, we will elaborate on the merits of it.


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Advantages of Low Level Languages


Low-level languages have some good sides:

  • Faster and Smarter Code: Those who use low-level languages can optimize their programs by efficiently managing computer memory and power.
  • Total Control: With low-level languages, programmers can talk directly to the computer's parts and tell them what to do. In fact, they have full access to control devices, gadgets, and computer resources very precisely.
  • Less layers: These languages don't have extra stuff between the programmer and the computer. Additionally, programmers can change their code for specific tasks and understand how the computer works.
  • Security: Since low-level languages control the computer so closely, they can use to make things secure.

The following section has discussed the merits of low level code languages. Now, it’s time to understand the demerits of the same.


Disadvantages of Low Level Languages


Using low-level languages has some downsides:

  • Complicated Coding: Writing in low-level languages can be challenging because you have to handle memory and computer parts in real time.
  • Less Help From the Computer: These languages take less help from the built-in support, which makes them difficult to learn and use.
  • Stuck to One Machine: Code written in low-level languages is tied to a specific computer setup. Moreover, it can't work on different types of machines.
  • Takes a Long Time: Making programs with low-level languages is a slow process that needs close attention to detail throughout.

Here, we have mentioned all the possible concepts related to low language programming.




To sum it up, low level languages are another language of computer programming. They give us complete control and make things super efficient, especially in necessary areas like computer systems and embedded systems. As mentioned in the above guide, learning programming languages helps us understand how computers work.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.Is Python a low level language?

Ans. Python is a high level language.

Q2.Is C and C++ a low-level language?

Ans.No, both C and C++ are examples of high level languages.

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Upskill Campus

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