7 min read

What is IoT Based Water Quality Monitoring System – How It Works W

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming very common. It was mostly used in factories, but now it's everywhere, even in our homes. People often think IoT is complicated with lots of advanced sensors. But IoT is really helpful in science, especially when studying nature. It helps save money on research trips and carrying heavy sensors. Many people have exciting ideas about using IoT to collect data from faraway places. But have IoT based water quality monitoring systems used extensively in science yet?


Overview of IoT Water Monitoring System


IoT is changing how we do research in the field. Scientists can now see their data immediately, no matter where they are. In short, they can measure things like chemicals and physical stuff easily, even when they're far away. They can also put sensors everywhere to get a good look at what's happening there. Moreover, this is really helpful for watching water quality, as even small changes can cause big problems later on.

IoT is becoming very popular for many things, including watching water quality monitoring systems. With the help of advanced devices like Raspberry Pi and sensors, we can measure things like temperature, oxygen, and how acidic the water is. Moreover, this helps us know the water quality all the time. We can use computer languages like Python and Julia to look at the data and decide how to manage water better.

We can use IoT to watch the health of lakes and rivers. By putting temperature and oxygen sensors in the water, we can find problems like too much algae or changes in the entire area. We can also use sensors to measure how acidic the water is and how much pollution is there. As a result, this helps us keep our water clean and healthy.


How Does IoT Based Water Monitoring System Work?


Here, we will discuss the working of the IoT based water quality monitoring system in detail. Just go through the below section to know more. 

  • Water Quality Sensors: We put advanced tools in the water to measure things like how acidic the water is, how hot or cold it is, and how much oxygen is in it.
  • Sending data: These tools send the information to a computer or cloud.
  • Storing data: The computer or cloud keeps the information.
  • Checking data: Computers look at the information to find patterns.
  • Alerts: If there's a problem with the water (like too much acid), the computer tells someone.
  • Fixing problems: People can then fix the problem.
  • Showing data: We can see the information on a screen to see what's happening with the water.
  • Sharing data: We can share the information with other people.


Applications of IoT Based Water Quality Monitoring System


IoT can help make drinking water safer and more reliable. By watching water quality all the time, we can find problems quickly and fix them. As a result, IoT based smart water quality monitoring system helps communities get clean, safe, and enough water to use.

IoT can help us watch different things that tell us about water quality. These things include:

  • pH: How acidic or basic the water is.
  • Temperature: How hot or cold the water is.
  • Dissolved oxygen: How much oxygen is in the water.
  • Total dissolved solids (TDS): How much stuff is dissolved in the water.
  • Turbidity: How clear the water is.
  • Conductivity: How well the water can conduct electricity.
  • Eh: How much oxidation is in the water?
  • Chlorophyll a: How much algae is in the water?
  • COD: How much organic stuff is in the water?
  • Ammonia nitrogen: How much ammonia is in the water.

By watching these things, we can tell if the water is healthy for animals and people to use.


Benefits of Water Quality Measuring Device


IoT has many benefits for water quality monitoring. It can save money on treating and pumping water. Moreover, it can also help use water better, which means less water waste and lower energy bills. IoT gives us real-time information about water quality, so we can fix problems quickly. As a result, this keeps people healthy and safe and helps the environment. Using IoT in water quality monitoring can also help people trust the government and companies that manage our water. However, some problems can happen when using IoT in water management. 

  • Sensors: We put advanced tools in the water to measure things like how acidic the water is, how hot or cold it is, how much oxygen is in it, and what chemicals or germs are in it. Moreover, these tools can send information to a central computer.
  • Smart meters: We use advanced meters in homes and businesses to know how much water is used. These meters can find leaks and other issues. As a result, this helps water companies manage their systems better and fix problems quickly.
  • Actuators: These tools can change the environment based on what the sensors measure. In IoT based water quality monitoring system, they can change the flow of water or add chemicals to make the water better.
  • Gateways: These tools connect many sensors and other devices to the internet. Moreover, they can collect information from different sensors and send it to a central computer for analysis.


Challenges For Smart Water Monitoring System Using IoT


Using IoT to monitor water quality has some challenges. The first step is to decide what exactly you want to measure. However, this depends on what you need and what the rules say. It's important to think about what to do in case of an emergency. For surface water systems, you can use fixed sensors in essential places. But you should also be able to quickly move sensors to different places if there's a problem like a spill. Next, you need to choose the sensors and other tools that will collect and send data. As a result, this includes sensors for measuring different things in the water and devices to collect and send the information. 

Another challenge is how to send the data from the sensors to a computer or cloud. Moreover, this might involve using wireless things like WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular, or using wires. The software and programs used to look at the data from the sensors are also significant. As a result, this might include using machine learning to find patterns in the data.

After building the IoT system, we need to test the water quality monitoring system using IoT to ensure it works correctly. Once it's working, we can use it in the real world to collect and send data.


Concluding Words


IoT based water quality monitoring system is a powerful tool for improving water quality monitoring. By using sensors, data transmission, storage, processing, alerts, response, visualization, and data sharing, Internet of Things can provide valuable insights into water quality, and help identify and address problems. Moreover, it ensures the safety and sustainability of water resources.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.  How do you make a water quality monitoring system?

Ans. These are some tools you can use to monitor water quality:

– Chlorine sensor: Measures how much chlorine is in the water.
– Temperature sensor: Measures the temperature of the water.
– Water analyzer: Checks the water quality continuously.
– Arduino Mega 2560: A board that can analyze water quality.
– Chlorophyll sensor: Measures chlorophyll and other things in the water.
– Wireless sensor network: Sends water quality data to a central place.
– Soil moisture sensor: Measures how wet the soil is.
– Online chlorine analyzer: Checks chlorine levels online.

Q2. What is an IoT-based water quality monitoring system?

Ans. IoT helps us monitor water quality. In addition, it uses advanced tools to measure water quality right away and can automatically change things to keep the water clean.