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What is Genetic Algorithm in ML and How Does It Work?

What is Genetic Algorithm in ML and How Does It Work?

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   5th June, 2024 Uploaded By:    Shriyansh Tiwari
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A genetic algorithm is an advanced search method inspired by how nature evolves, like Darwin's theory of evolution. It is used to solve challenging problems in machine learning that would otherwise take a long time. Genetic algorithms are necessary because they help find solutions to complex issues. They are widely used in real-world applications like designing electronic circuits, breaking codes, processing images, and creating art. This topic will explain genetic algorithm in ML, covering the basic terms, how they work, their benefits, and their limitations.


Understanding Genetic Algorithm in ML


Genetic algorithms (GAs) are advanced methods for solving problems inspired by how nature selects the best traits and evolves. Additionally, they help find the best solutions by imitating evolution, making better solutions over time. These algorithms work on a group of potential answers represented as strings of binary digits or other formats.

In a genetic algorithm, there is a population, a collection of potential solutions to the problem. Each member of the population represents a possible solution and is defined by a set of genes, or parameters, that describe its features. In addition, these genes can be guided as binary strings, real numbers, or other data types.

The process starts with a randomly created initial population. The genetic algorithm learning then goes through several rounds, called generations or epochs. In each round, the solutions improve through various operations like selection, crossover, and mutation. Moreover, these steps copy natural processes like choosing the best traits, reproducing, and adding variations to evolve better solutions.


What are the Different Types of Genetic Algorithms?


Here, we'll explore four different kinds of genetic algorithm in ML that can use to tackle challenges:

  • Generational GA (GGA): This GA replaces the entire population with a new group based on the best performers.
  • Steady-State (µ + 1)-GA (SSGA): It constantly replaces the weakest solution with a new, improved one, keeping the population steady but evolving.
  • Steady-Generational (µ, µ)-GA (SGGA): This genetic algorithm in ML throws a mini-competition every round. Moreover, it selects a small group of the best and lets them compete to create just a few new solutions, keeping the population size the same.
  • (µ + µ)-GA: This GA combines the approaches above. It creates a new generation but also keeps some of the best performers from the previous one. 

These are just a few ways GAs can fine-tune for different problems. No matter the style, they all use the power of evolution to find the best solution possible!


How Does Genetic Algorithm Work?


You can use a genetic algorithm in ml to help find the best route. The GA will consider all the possible routes and use its savvy method to find the shortest and quickest way to travel from home to work.

  • Encoding the Solutions: Imagine you can describe each possible route as a series of stops or landmarks.
  • Initialization: Start by creating a group of potential routes. You can randomly create these routes or use existing ones as a starting point.
  • Evaluation: Check each route by looking at distance, traffic, and travel time. 
  • Selection: Choose the best routes to be part of the next generation. In short, genetic algorithms for machine learning select routes with lower scores. Methods like tournament preference or roulette wheel selection use to pick the best routes.
  • Crossover: Create new routes by combining parts of two good routes. For example, take two routes and swap some segments to create two new routes.
  • Mutation: Introduce random changes to the routes. In addition, it can help explore new options and avoid getting stuck with mediocre solutions. For example, you might swap two stops in a route or change the order of a few stops.
  • New Generation: The new routes created from crossover and mutation, along with some of the best routes from the previous generation, form the latest group of routes for the next round. As a result, it ensures good routes are kept and improved upon.
  • Termination: Keep repeating the selection, crossover, and mutation steps for several generations or until you find a satisfactory route. 
  • Final Solution: Once the process ends, the best route found (with the lowest score) is your optimal or near-optimal route for your daily commute.


Applications of the Genetic Algorithm in ML


Genetic algorithms (GAs) take a bunch of possible solutions, mix and match them, and keep the best ones going. This "evolution" helps them find the perfect solution, even for tricky problems.

Here's how they work in different fields:

  • Finding the Best Option: GAs are great at choosing the absolute best solution from several choices. However, it can be anything from optimizing a math formula to picking the best investment portfolio.
  • Mixing and Matching: GAs excel at finding the ideal combination of things. It finds the fastest route for a delivery truck or figuring out the best schedule for numerous jobs.
  • Fine-tuning the Machine: Genetic Algorithm in ML helps make machine learning even better! They can adjust the settings of these learning models to get the most accurate results possible.
  • Evolving Robots: GAs can create incredible robot behaviors! For example, a robot learns to walk or climb by trying different movements and keeping the ones that work best.
  • Cleaning Up Images and Sounds: GAs can take blurry pictures or scratchy music and make them crystal clear! They adjust settings to remove the junk and keep the good stuff.
  • Designing and Inventing: Genetic Algorithm in ML can effortlessly generate new ideas for anything from music to video games by mixing and matching different elements.
  • Finances: GAs can help you become a financial whiz! They can find the best way to invest your money or create trading strategies that adapt to the ever-changing market.

Genetic algorithms are powerful tools that can tackle almost any problem. They're constantly learning and evolving.


Genetic Algorithm Example in Machine Learning


The following section will discuss some common examples of genetic algorithm in ML.

  • AlphaFold by Google: This project cracked the code on protein structures, which is a big deal for medicine! GAs helped design a system that predicts how proteins fold, a key to understanding diseases and creating new drugs.
  • Tesla's Self-Driving Cars: GAs are the super-trainers for Tesla's self-driving cars. They fine-tune the software that controls automobiles, making them smarter and safer on the road.
  • Amazon's Speedy Deliveries: GAs help Amazon figure out the best routes for delivery trucks with a super-powered GPS. In addition, it cuts down on delivery times and keeps those packages flying to your door.
  • Autodesk's Design Makeover: Genetic Algorithm in ML helps engineers create stronger, lighter, and more efficient designs.
  • Uber's Fair Fares: GAs are behind Uber's dynamic pricing system. They analyze data to set fair prices for rides, keeping both riders and drivers happy.
  • Boeing's Dreamy Planes: GAs helped Boeing design fuel-efficient airplanes. Moreover, they explored different wing shapes to create planes that fly farther on less fuel.
  • Ford's Delivery Dash: GAs made deliveries for Ford a breeze. Additionally, they figured out the best routes for delivery trucks, saving time and gas.
  • Siemens' Manufacturing Magic: GAs helped Siemens optimize their factories. They created efficient schedules, layouts, and configurations to make things run smoother and save money.
  • NVIDIA's Graphics Powerhouse: GAs helped design the brains behind your video games! They fine-tuned the graphics processing units (GPUs) for better performance and less energy use.
  • Toyota's Global Supply Chain: GAs helped Toyota streamline its whole supply chain. They optimized production, deliveries, and inventory management, saving money and getting products to market faster.




Genetic Algorithm in ML are the super-powered remix machines that combine the best solutions to find even better ones. Moreover, they're perfect for optimizing tasks, finding the ideal mix of things, and generating creative design ideas. From self-driving cars to unlocking the mysteries of proteins, GAs are helping companies across the board evolve and innovate faster than ever before.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why genetic algorithm used in AI?

Ans. Genetic algorithms (GAs) search high and low for the best solution, constantly mixing and matching ideas to get even better. As a result, it makes them prominent tools for tackling challenging problems in all fields, from artificial intelligence (AI) to engineering and even finance.

Q2. What are the three main steps of the genetic algorithm?

Ans. Here's the basic process:

1. Selection: GAs pick the best solutions, like a matchmaking service success.
2. Crossover: They then mix and match these winners' strengths, like combining ideas to create something even better.
3. Mutation: Finally, they throw in a little surprise, making minor changes to explore new possibilities.
This three-step cycle keeps GAs evolving and finding the ultimate solution.

Q3. Is ChatGPT a genetic algorithm?

Ans.No! ChatGPT is a Natural Learning Process model.

About the Author

Upskill Campus

UpskillCampus provides career assistance facilities not only with their courses but with their applications from Salary builder to Career assistance, they also help School students with what an individual needs to opt for a better career.

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