11 min read

Top 15 Essential Data Cleaning Techniques in ML – Best Methods T


Data cleaning, also known as data cleansing, involves improving the quality of your data using various data cleaning techniques. This includes fixing errors, eliminating duplicates, and organizing information. It is just like cleaning a messy desk: removing unnecessary clutter and making everything easier to find.

Applying these data cleaning techniques ensures your data is accurate and reliable, leading to smarter decisions. Clean data is crucial for business analysis or basic number crunching. It guarantees clear, trustworthy insights every time. 

Understanding Data Cleaning

Data cleaning, or scrubbing, is fixing mistakes and inconsistencies in your data before analysis. It’s like organizing a messy room so you can use it effectively.

Raw data often has several problems that can affect your results. These include:


  • Missing values: When some data is missing.
  • Inconsistent formatting: When data is written differently, like dates in different styles (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY vs. YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Duplicates: When the same data appears more than once.
  • Errors: Typos or mistakes during data entry.


By cleaning your data, you ensure it's accurate and reliable. This way, you can trust the insights you gain. However, data cleaning techniques are essential for clear and meaningful analysis.

Importance of Data Cleaning

The goal of data cleaning is to make sure your data is accurate and reliable. It’s like cooking, if you use the wrong ingredients, the dish won’t turn out right. In data, we follow the rule "garbage in, garbage out." Here’s why cleaning your data is crucial:


  • Better Decisions: Dirty data leads to incorrect conclusions. However, clean data helps you make decisions based on facts and reality.
  • Save Time and Money: Poor data wastes time and resources, sending you down the wrong path. On the other hand, clean data prevents mistakes and costly rework.
  • Improve Efficiency: Clean data makes everything run smoothly. In contrast, messy data causes delays and extra work, which leads to frustration and increased costs. 
  • Accurate Insights: Mistakes in data can lead to wrong conclusions and bad decisions. To make informed choices, you need reliable data. That’s why data cleaning is essential. It ensures businesses can trust their data, which results in better decisions and improved outcomes.


In short, cleaning your data ensures you make decisions backed by reliable information, saving both time and money. 

Top 5 Common Data Cleaning Techniques

To prepare your data for analysis, you need to clean it up first. Using the right techniques for cleaning data ensures you get clear, accurate insights. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Clear Formatting: First, clean up the formatting. Data from different sources often has various formats, which can cause issues like extra spaces or incomplete sentences. So, make sure all the data is consistently formatted. You can easily do this by clearing all formatting in your .csv or Google files.
  2. Remove Irrelevant Data: Next, remove anything that’s not useful for your analysis. This can include links, tracking numbers, or HTML tags. By removing irrelevant data, you’ll make your dataset easier to manage and save time, especially if you’re using tools like sentiment analysis.
  3. Remove Duplicates: Look for any duplicate data and remove it. Duplicates can distort your analysis and give you incorrect results. Whether they happen due to errors or multiple entries, they need to go. Removing duplicates ensures your data is clean and accurate.
  4. Filter Missing Values: Check for any missing data. If you find it, you can either delete the rows or fill in the missing values if you know what they should be. Your decision depends on how much data is missing and how it impacts your analysis. Sometimes, having fewer but complete data points can give you better results.
  5. Delete Outliers: Finally, look for outliers, data points that don’t fit with the rest. While some outliers can be valuable, others might skew your results. Before deleting them, take a moment to see if they’re important. If they’re not, remove them; if they are, keep them.

Data cleaning is one of the most critical steps in the machine learning pipeline. Without clean data, even the most advanced algorithms can't deliver meaningful results. But mastering this skill requires the right guidance and practice. Dive deep into data preprocessing and machine learning workflows in our Data Science and Machine Learning Course. Learn how to tackle real-world challenges, including missing data, outliers, and feature engineering. This course ensures you gain hands-on experience in preparing datasets for robust machine learning models, a skill every data scientist must master.

What are the Methods of Data Cleaning?

Cleaning your data is key to ensuring it’s ready for clear, accurate analysis. Here’s how you can get your data in shape for better results by following data cleaning techniques:


  1. Convert Data Types: First, make sure your data is categorized properly. Text should be labeled as text, and numbers should remain as numbers. If this step is skipped, your analysis tools won’t function as expected. However, this will prevent accurate statistical analysis and proper text processing with NLP.
  2. Standardize Capitalization: Next, ensure consistency in capitalization. Although it might seem small, it matters. In social media data, for example, people write names or terms in various ways. Thankfully, machine learning tools can handle this and distinguish between "violet" as a name and "violet" as a color, no matter how it’s capitalized.
  3. Ensure Consistent Structure: Another step is to maintain structural consistency in your data. For instance, if you use “Not Applicable” and “N/A” to mean the same thing, they should be written consistently. Moreover, this ensures your analysis remains accurate and effective.
  4. Use Consistent Language: Ensure the language is uniform throughout, especially if your data comes from multiple sources. While translation tools can help, they can distort the meaning. That’s why analyzing data in its original language is better. Tools like Repustate’s API process each language natively, providing more precise results.
  5. Validate the Data: Finally, always validate your cleaned data. After running it through your tools, check if the results make sense. If something looks off, review the data again for any inconsistencies or issues you missed.

Data Cleaning Steps and Techniques

Unclean data can cause serious issues, but there are easy ways to clean it up. Data scientists and machine learning experts use several data cleaning techniques to ensure the data is accurate and ready for analysis. Here, we will show you how they do it:

1. Fixing Missing Data

First, missing data can throw off predictions and lead to incorrect results. While some algorithms handle missing data better, it’s still important to fix it. One common method is imputation, where missing values are filled in using existing data. For example, missing numbers can be replaced with the average (mean) or middle value (median) of the rest. For categorical data, like product types, you can use the most common option (mode) to fill the gap.

2. Normalizing Data for Fair Comparisons

Next, normalization ensures that data from different sources can be compared fairly. For example, when comparing sales across regions, some areas might report sales in the thousands, while others report millions. Comparing these numbers without adjustment could lead to mistakes.

Normalization adjusts all data to fit within a standard range, such as 0 to 1. This way, comparisons are more accurate, and each partner’s performance is assessed based on their specific market. It makes the analysis clearer and fairer.

3. Selecting Relevant Data Features

Additionally, feature selection helps focus on the most important data for accurate predictions. Not all data is equally useful, so it’s important to choose the right features.


For instance, when predicting sales, factors like the day of the week, marketing budget, weather, and the number of employees may be considered. However, some may not be relevant. By selecting the most important features, data scientists can build better models, leading to more informed decisions.

4. How to Identify and Remove Outliers

Outliers are data points that fall far outside the normal range for a variable. They may result from errors in data collection or measurement, or they could represent rare but real cases. However, keeping outliers in your dataset can distort your analysis and lead to incorrect conclusions.

There are different methods to spot outliers, depending on your data. After identifying them, you can choose to remove them or investigate further to determine if they should stay in your dataset.

5. Converting Data Types

During data cleaning, you may find numbers that have been saved as text. For example, "100" might appear as text, but it needs to be recognized as a number for proper analysis. To fix this, simply convert the text back into a number. Without this step, your analysis might be inaccurate, so it’s crucial to ensure the correct data type is used. 

What are the Best Data Cleaning Practices?

After understanding the data cleaning methods, we are moving ahead towards the best practices for the same. 


  • Why Data Cleaning Matters: First, it’s important to understand why you’re cleaning the data. Knowing your goals helps you stay focused and ensures everything aligns with your business needs. Also, being clear about your objectives lets you spot errors or issues that might disrupt your operations.
  • Use Automation and Tools: There are many tools to help clean data quickly and efficiently. For instance, if you know Python or R, automation can save time by handling repetitive tasks. This allows you to focus on more important work while the tools take care of the rest.
  • Create a Clear Plan and Document Everything: Next, set clear goals, and establish data quality standards. Write down your process, rules, and guidelines. When everything is documented, it's easier to spot problems like missing data or duplicates. It also ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Track Your Progress: As you clean your data, be sure to track each step. This may feel like extra work, but it’s very useful. By keeping a record, you can easily go back and review your actions if issues come up. It also helps with troubleshooting and improving your process over time.
  • Always Check Your Data: It’s essential to regularly validate your data. Set rules or use methods to check for accuracy as you clean. This helps keep your data high-quality and reliable for decision-making. Remember, accurate data is key to achieving your goals.
  • Backup Your Data: Finally, always back up your data. Having a backup protects you from unexpected issues like system failures or cyberattacks. With a backup, you can restore your data quickly and avoid losing anything important.


In short, data cleaning techniques ensure your data is accurate and reliable. First, knowing your goals helps you stay focused. Next, using automation tools makes tasks quicker and easier. Additionally, having a clear plan keeps everything on track. Regularly checking your data and documenting each step helps prevent mistakes. Finally, backing up your data protects it from loss. By following these simple data cleaning methods, you’ll save time and make smarter decisions that drive business growth.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is data cleaning in ETL?

Ans. Data cleansing is a crucial part of the ETL (extract, transform, load) process. It starts by identifying and correcting errors. Next, it fills in any missing information and removes irrelevant data. This ensures that your data is accurate, clean, and ready for analysis.

Q2. Is data cleaning done in SQL?

Ans. Yes! Data cleaning can be done with SQL (Structured Query Language). It’s a powerful tool that allows you to organize and correct data in the database. With SQL, you can easily clean large datasets, ensuring they’re accurate and ready for use.
Moreover, this makes the process faster and more efficient.