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Detailed Guide on Cyber Physical Systems - Characteristics and Example

Detailed Guide on Cyber Physical Systems - Characteristics and Example

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   6th June, 2024 Uploaded By:    Ankit Roy
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Cyber Physical Systems are systems where physical machines and the digital world work together seamlessly. Moreover, they use computers and software to control and automate real-world things. In addition, this tech is booming, with the market expected to jump from $87 billion to over $137 billion in just a few years! In short, CPS is revolutionizing how physical things work by adding an effective dose of digital brains.

Cyber Physical Systems Meaning

Cyber-physical systems are a technology that blends the physical world with the smarts of computers. They're a new system that combines machines, sensors, and software to work together. As a result, it lets them gather information, make decisions, and even control physical things. For example, self-driving cars use cameras and computers to navigate, and factory robots can easily adjust their movements based on what they sense.


These systems are like a complex network, constantly interacting with the physical world and each other. It's a prominent leap forward in technology, and it is used in all fields, from manufacturing to transportation and even medicine. To create these systems, experts from different areas like engineering, computer science, and design all work together. It's a powerful combination that's changing the way we interact with the world around us.

What are the Characteristics of Cyber-physical Systems?

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are unique. They're like brainy machines that can sense, think, and act in the real world. But to work their magic, they rely on some advanced features:


  • Always on the lookout: These systems constantly interact with their surroundings, like a car with cruise control that keeps adjusting its speed based on traffic.
  • Talking it up: They use networks to chat with each other and the digital world. Moreover, it shares information and makes decisions together.
  • Built to last: No matter what happens around them, CPS needs to be reliable and safe.
  • Juggling act: These systems can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, like a factory robot that monitors its environment while assembling a product.
  • Thinking fast: They can analyze real-time information and make quick decisions.
  • Safety first: In some situations, safety is the top priority. For example, a medical device might need to be super reliable, even if it means taking a bit longer to complete a task.


These features are what make CPS so powerful and adaptable. They're changing the way we interact with machines and the world around us!

Why are Cyber-physical Systems Important?

Cyberphysical systems (CPS) are machines with built-in smarts. Moreover, they combine physical parts with computer components and networks, allowing them to sense, think, and act in the real world.


  • Think Legos: Imagine building a machine with Legos for the physical parts and adding a mini computer as the brain. 
  • Monitoring and Taking Charge: These systems are designed to observe physical processes (like temperature in a factory) and control them if needed (like turning on a fan to cool things down).
  • Sensors and Do-ers: Sensors act like eyes and ears, feeding information to the system. In addition, actuators are the do-ers, taking actions based on what the sensors detect and the system decides. It's a feedback loop that keeps things running smoothly.
  • More Complex than Smart Devices: While similar to smart devices, CPS is more complex. They can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, make real-time decisions, and prioritize safety in critical situations.

What are the Three Major Parts of Cyber-physical Systems? 

Cyber Physical Systems is a system that combines computers and the real world. It has three parts: physical things (like machines or cars), a way to talk to each other (like wifi), and special computer programs. These programs are the brain of the CPS, processing information, giving instructions, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.


Sensors (like eyes) gather information (like how far away objects are), send it through a network, and a program decides what to do (like pressing the brakes). However, it is all happening fast, in real-time, to keep the car safe. There are many other CPS examples, from smart factories to medical devices that monitor your heart.


Some CPS systems are even mobile, like unique apps on your phone. These can help with things like traffic control, accident detection, or even observing your health.


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What are the 5C of Cyber-Physical Systems?

CPS takes all that information and turns it into something helpful. Here's how:


  • Connection: Cyber Physical Systems gather data from a network of devices.
  • Conversion: All that data is like a jumbled mess. CPS sorts it out and makes it readable, like turning code into clear instructions.
  • Cybernetic: Remember those whispering devices? CPS connects them virtually, like a team working together to analyze the data.
  • Cognition: Now that the data is precise, CPS can use it to predict things or even create simulations. It also builds a user interface, kind of like a dashboard, to help people make decisions together.
  • Configuration: Just like a machine needs maintenance, CPS can fix itself if something goes wrong. However, it keeps the system healthy and reliable.


By following these steps, CPS can turn raw data into useful information, opening doors to all sorts of innovations. 

Examples of Cyber Physical Systems

The following section will discuss different examples of CPS. 


  • Dapper gardens: Tiny sensors keep an eye on tomato plants, and robots use that information to tend to them.
  • Self-driving cars: Cars use sensors to see the road and make decisions, like applying the brakes.
  • Traffic control: Taxis collect data on traffic jams, and that data helps maps recommend faster routes.
  • Power grids: Sensors monitor power usage, and the system automatically adjusts to keep everything running smoothly.


These are just a few ways Cyber Physical Systems are changing the world. By connecting the physical world with computers, CPS is making things savvier and more efficient. 

Wrapping Up!

They're teams of sensors and computers working together. Sensors act like eyes and ears, feeding real-time information to computers. These computers then use that information to make things work better, like robots caring for plants or cars driving themselves. By connecting our world with computers in this savvy way, Cyber Physical Systems has the potential to completely change the way we live.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a cyber-physical production system?

Ans.A Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) is a factory that contains a super-powered team with machines, robots, and sensors working together. It's basically an advanced way of saying a high-tech factory that uses a mix of tools.

Q2. Where are cyber-physical systems used?

Ans.There are various fields, such as aerospace, manufacturing, transportation, and many more.



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Upskill Campus

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