7 min read

Bootstrap in Machine Learning (ML) – A Step-by-Step Guide B


Have you ever felt stuck trying to win a data competition? You've tried all the tricks, but your score won't improve. That's frustrating! When you're new to data science, you often stick to what you know – like simple math tricks for data. But then we discovered a bootstrapping method that helped me quickly rise to the top of the leaderboard. Here, we will elaborate on the bootstrap in machine learning.

Explain Bootstrap in Machine Learning

You've probably heard the term "bootstrapping" used to describe a business that starts with little money. However, this method involves repeatedly taking a sample with replacement from a data set to estimate a population parameter. It is a robust approach used to determine various parameters of a population.


People used to say it sarcastically to describe something ridiculous. So while it's used a lot in business now, it originally meant something completely impossible. In addition, a bootstrap plot is a picture that shows how different your answer (the average height) could be if you measured different groups of students. It helps you understand how confident you can be about your answer. 


The Bootstrap Method in Machine Learning takes multiple guesses about the average height by measuring different groups of students again and again. Each time you measure a new group, you put everyone back in the pool. This way, you can get a better idea of what the real average height might be. Once you have all these guesses, you can look at them together to see how widespread they are. As a result, this helps you understand how confident you can be about your original guess.

How to Implement Bootstrap in ML?

You must follow the following instructions as mentioned below very carefully.


1. Import Necessary Library


  • import numpy as np: This line imports the NumPy library, which is essential for numerical operations in Python.

2. Create a Population


  • np.random.normal(loc=500, size=10000): It creates a normally distributed population of 10,000 numbers with a mean of 500.


3. Bootstrap Sampling and Calculating Means


  • for i in range(40): This loop repeats the following steps 40 times:
  • sample = np.random.choice(population, 5, replace=True): This randomly selects 5 numbers from the population with replacement. Imagine picking 5 random students from the school.
  • sample_mean.append(np.mean(sample)): Calculates the average height of the selected students and adds it to a list of sample means.


4. Calculating the Average of Sample Means


  • np.mean(sample_mean): This computes the average of all the sample means calculated in the previous step.


The output is close to the population mean (500), which demonstrates the effectiveness of bootstrapping.


Why is this happening?


  • Law of Large Numbers: As we increase the number of samples, the average of the sample means tends to converge to the population mean.
  • Replacement: By sampling with replacement, we allow the possibility of selecting the same data point multiple times in a sample. However, this helps to capture the variability in the population.


Some Necessary Points 


  • Bootstrapping is a powerful technique for estimating population parameters when the underlying distribution is unknown.
  • It involves creating multiple samples with replacements from the original data and calculating the statistic of interest for each sample.
  • The distribution of these statistics can provide valuable information about the estimated uncertainty.


In short, bootstrapping in Machine learning helps us make better inferences about a population by repeatedly sampling from our data and analyzing the results.

Advantages of Bootstrapping Machine Learning

Here, we will provide some benefits of using the bootstrap in machine learning

  • Works with Small Datasets: Ideal when you don't have a lot of data.
  • Handles Outliers Gracefully: Do not panic when confronted with unusual data.
  • Versatile Tool: This can use for many problems like prediction, estimating accuracy, and more.
  • No Strict Rules: Doesn't need fancy assumptions about your data.

Configuration of Extension Bootstrap Visual Studio Code

To get a better guess, you could create many fake groups of students by randomly picking names from your original group and allowing the same person to be picked more than once. However, this is called bootstrapping.


When you're using bootstrapping, you need to decide two things:


  • How many people to put in each group: Usually, you'll pick the same number of people as you have in your whole group. But if you have a really significant group, you can choose a smaller number to save time.
  • How many groups to make: You need to make enough groups to get a good idea of the average. Around 20 or 30 groups is a good starting point, but more is even better if you have time.


The more groups you make and the bigger each group is, the more accurate your final answer will be. But remember, you don't want to spend permanently doing this, so find a balance that works for you.

Bootstrapping Machine Learning Example

Let's understand the example to get a clearer picture of bootstrap in Machine Learning.


Suppose you have five friends and want to figure out the middle age of the group.


  • Original data: The ages of your five friends: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
  • Creating bootstrap samples: You randomly pick five friends from your original group, allowing the same friend to be picked more than once. For example, one group might be 5, 6, 3, 4, or 7.
  • Finding the middle age: For each group, you find the middle age. In the example, the middle age of the first group is 5.
  • Repeating the process: You create many more of these fake groups and find the middle age for each.
  • Building a picture: Once you have many middle ages, you can see how often different middle ages appear. However, this gives you an idea of what the real middle age of your group is likely to be.


Fundamental Points:

  • Resampling with replacement: This is crucial. As a result, you can pick the same friend multiple times for a fake group.
  • Creating a distribution: This distribution gives you a sense of how widespread the Middle Ages could be.
  • Confidence intervals:  For example, you might say you're 95% confident that the middle age is between 4 and 6.


Why Bootstrapping is Useful?


  • No assumptions: Bootstrapping doesn't require you to know the exact shape of the data distribution.
  • Flexibility: It can use for many different statistics, not just the median.
  • Versatility: It can apply to various problems in statistics and machine learning.


In other words, bootstrapping is an advanced way to make sense of data by creating many fake datasets and analyzing the results. It helps us understand how reliable our estimates are without making strong assumptions about the data.

Concluding Thoughts

Bootstrap in Machine Learning is a versatile tool that helps us make better decisions with data. By creating multiple copies of our data and shuffling them around, we can estimate how reliable our results are without making strong assumptions. As a result, this technique is especially helpful when we have limited data or when the data is complex. In addition, bootstrapping allows us to build more robust and accurate models by understanding the uncertainty in our predictions.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Bootstrap in AIML?

Ans. The Bootstrap Sampling in AIML takes multiple guesses about the average height by measuring different groups of students again and again. Each time you measure a new group, you put everyone back in the pool.

Q2. What is the advantage of Bootstrap?

Ans. Bootstrap is a toolbox filled with ready-made parts for building websites. Moreover, it has buttons, menus, and other advanced bits already designed, so you don't have to start from scratch. It's easy to use, even if you're just starting with building websites.