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Java vs JavaScript - Find the Difference and Comparison Table

Java vs JavaScript - Find the Difference and Comparison Table

By Upskill Campus
Published Date:   2nd September, 2024 Uploaded By:    Priyanka Yadav
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Java and JavaScript are both computer languages, but they’re used for different things. Java is used to make apps that work on many devices. On the other hand, JavaScript is used to make websites more interactive. Even though they have similar names, they’re very different. That’s why, we will discuss Java vs JavaScript in detail. In addition, we will elaborate on both concepts to help you understand them better.


Overview of Java and JavaScript


First, we will discuss Java programming language and then elaborate on JavaScript before going with the comparison between Java vs JavaScript.




Java is a versatile language used to create all kinds of software. It can also run on any computer that has an advanced program with the help of the JVM. In short, you can use Java to make apps that work on many devices. At first, Java was the only language that could run on a JVM. But now, other languages like Groovy, Scala, JRuby, and Jython can also be used on the Java platform. In other words, you can use these languages to make apps that work on many devices.

Java was originally made to be used in everyday devices, like the kind of technology we now call the Internet of Things. One of Java’s cool features is that you can write code once and use it on many devices. But this wasn’t why Java became popular. Instead, it was because of the internet. Java was used to make small programs called applets that could run inside web browsers. However, this made Java special and helped it become popular for making many web applications.




JavaScript is a computer language used to make websites more interactive. It can be employed on many different devices and create buttons, cool animations, and pop-up menus. In addition, JavaScript can be used to make websites do more things, like letting people work together in real-time. You can also use it to control different parts of a website and make them work together.

JavaScript started around the same time as the internet became popular. In the 1990s, companies like Microsoft and Netscape tried to make the best web browser. They wanted to be the most popular. Further, we will describe Java vs JavaScript in detail.


Java Code vs Javascript Code - Popularity


A survey showed that JavaScript is the most popular programming language, used by 66% of developers. Java is used by only 30%, but it’s still very significant. Many businesses use Java to make new apps and websites. Learning Java can help you find jobs in making big business apps and other areas. Further, we will discuss the difference between Java and Javascript, and why both languages are in demand.

  1. Enterprise Dominance
  • Full-Stack App Development: Java is widely used for building enterprise-level applications, which often requires complex back-end logic, scalability, and reliability.
  • Server-Side Programming: Java's robustness and performance make it an ideal choice for developing server-side components of web applications, and handling tasks like data processing, business logic, and API management.
  1. Career Opportunities
  • Enterprise App Development: Learning Java can open doors to exciting career opportunities in building large-scale enterprise applications for various industries.
  • Server-Side Programming: Java developers are in high demand for creating and maintaining server-side infrastructure and services.
  • Other Areas: Java's versatility extends beyond web development, making it applicable to areas such as Android app development, big data processing, and scientific computing.
  1. Stability and Maturity
  • Long-Term Support: Java has been around for decades, ensuring a stable and mature platform with a large community and extensive resources.
  • Enterprise Adoption: Its widespread adoption by major corporations and organizations guarantees continued support and development.

While JavaScript might hold the top spot in terms of popularity, Java's strength lies in its enterprise-focused capabilities, stability, and the vast career opportunities it offers. If you're interested in building scalable, robust, and enterprise-grade applications, learning Java is a valuable investment.


Difference Between Javascript and Java Programming


The following section will discuss the key points of Java vs Javascript in detail. Just review the following bullet points to gain a deeper understanding.

    • Primary Use: Primarily used for client-side web development, adding interactivity and dynamic elements to web pages. On the other hand, Java is a general-purpose language for building multiple applications.
  • Key Features:
    • Dynamic Typing: Variables can change data types during execution. Meanwhile, Java variables must have their data types declared before use. 
    • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Can run in web browsers on various devices whereas Java can run on any system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).


Java vs JavaScript Applications


Java and JavaScript are distinct languages used for different purposes. Here's a comparison of their applications:

Applications of JavaScript

  • Creating interactive web pages (buttons, animations, forms, etc.)
  • Building mobile apps using frameworks like React Native
  • Developing web servers using Node.js
  • Creating browser-based games

Applications of Java

  • Developing enterprise software (e.g., banking systems, CRM)
  • Creating Android apps
  • Building desktop applications
  • Developing server-side applications
  • Implementing IoT solutions
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning

While both languages have their strengths and use cases, JavaScript is often preferred for web development, while Java is a popular choice for building more complex and scalable applications.


Java vs JavaScript - Difference Table


Here, we will define the detailed difference between Java and Javascript in a tabular form. As a result, it will clear all your doubts.





Programming Paradigm

Primarily an object-oriented programming language. In short, it uses objects and their interactions to structure code.

While primarily a scripting language, it also supports object-oriented, functional, and procedural paradigms. In addition, this flexibility allows for different programming styles.


Files typically have a .java extension.

Files typically have a .js extension.

Type Checking

Statically typed, meaning data types are checked before the code is run. Moreover, this helps catch errors early.

Dynamically typed, meaning data types can change during execution. In addition, this offers more flexibility but can introduce potential runtime errors.


It is compiled into bytecode, which is then executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). As a result, this provides platform independence.

Typically interpreted directly by the web browser. Some modern browsers also use Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation for performance optimization.

Running Platform

It runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which can be installed on various operating systems.

Primarily runs within web browsers, but can also be used on servers with Node.js.


Java and Javascript Syntax Difference


Further, we will elaborate on the syntaxes of Java and Javascript differences. As a result, it will be beneficial to you to learn more. 

JavaScript is a computer language that uses functions and variables to do things. Functions are like tools that do specific tasks, and variables are like boxes that hold information. Moreover, you can use functions to add and subtract numbers, like prices and weights.

Java is a different computer language that uses classes to organize information. You have to tell Java what kind of information a variable will hold when you make it, and you can’t change that later. Java also uses special tools called getters and setters to get and change information inside classes. Java’s rules make it easier to create strong apps, but it can be harder to learn for beginners.


Java and Javascript Example


After understanding the difference between Java and JavaScript, we will discuss the examples of both Programming languages. 

Example of Java:

class A


public static void main(String args[]){

System.out.println("Hello World");



Example of Javascript:


<!DOCTYPE html>  



<h2> Welcome to JavaScript Tutorial</h2>  

<script type= "text/javascript">  

document.write("Hello World!");    







We have discussed Java vs JavaScript in detail. Both languages are powerful programming languages, but they have distinct strengths and use cases. Java is a versatile language suitable for building a wide range of applications, from enterprise software to Android apps. Moreover, it offers robust features, strong typing, and platform independence. On the other hand, JavaScript is primarily used for web development, adding interactivity and dynamic elements to web pages. Its flexibility, ease of use, and growing ecosystem make it a popular choice for creating modern web applications. Ultimately, the best choice between Java and JavaScript depends on your specific project requirements and team expertise.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are Java and JavaScript the same?

Ans. No, Java and JavaScript are different languages. Java is a statically typed language for general-purpose programming, while JavaScript is a dynamically typed scripting language for web development.

Q2. Is JavaScript a version of Java?

Ans. No, JavaScript is not a version of Java; they are distinct languages with different purposes and features.

Q3.Is Java front-end or backend?

Ans. Java is typically used for backend development, though it can be used for front-end development with technologies like JavaFX.

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Upskill Campus

UpskillCampus provides career assistance facilities not only with their courses but with their applications from Salary builder to Career assistance, they also help School students with what an individual needs to opt for a better career.

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